Main mix sent back

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    Profile photo of tmdarlantmdarlan

    Im not very hopeful here. but id love for the main mix from an me-1 or 500 to be able to be sent back to the mixer to be routed to physical outs to make IEMs work. the aviom 360’s can do this and it is fantastic.

    Profile photo of UnderscoreUnderscore

    It’s not hard…. we do it with some of our wt that do not do in-ears, only floor wedges.
    Take the mono output thru a DI box, then hardwire to a system input for routing.

    This way they can make their own mix, and I still have volume and mute control of the floor wedge signal.

    Profile photo of Brent H.Brent H.

    Yes, we do it like @Underscore does it–but we send the L&R to a stereo DI that goes back to an input in the dLive MixRack and back out to the Wireless IEM transmitter via a stereo aux bus.

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