Local MIDI control

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  • #40770
    Profile photo of plevrierplevrier

    Hi all,

    I was trying to make a MIDI strip that can operate the SEND level of an Aux / FX channel. This seems not possible ?
    My use would be that a special effect (in an Aux send or FX send) is on the desk at all times.

    Somebody an Idea ?


    Profile photo of djmancodjmanco

    You want a Master Aux to be always in the layer/bank? You can do it with SETUP>CONTROL>STRIP ASSIGN. Why are you trying to do with MIDI?

    Profile photo of eotsskleeteotsskleet

    Yeah plevier i know what you mean – but i’ve got no idea about Midi! However i think there would be another workaround! Either you could use the custom buttons to use the knob above the faders for level-send (i do it with the FX1 and FX2 sends!) or you assign your input channel that you want to use for send level to a group and again this group to the Aux or FX! Now you can handle the the send level by using the group fader! (Do you know what i mean?)

    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93

    I do that sort of thing by just dedicating an FX unit to that purpose, turning up the channel-to-mix permanently and using the FX master as the send level control. On other desks I’d assign the FX master to a DCA to keep the level control in front of me but on a GLD I don’t have to. 🙂 This is typically how I’d set up a repeating delay for the lead vocal.

    It works perfectly well until you need to send more than one channel to that FX, then it falls apart.


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