I want to set a “limiter” for the LR out.
So i select the LR and setting the compressor threshold 0db and ratio inf.
But i realized that this affects only the input singals to the LR, and when i raise the LR fader the output signal “exceeds” 0db.
Probably this is normal, but is there any way to do it?
ps. i feed active speakers and i don’t have an external processor or limiter so that’s re reason i want it.
It is simple. Just don’t do that :). You are just creating makeup gain. Leave the master alone unless you need it. Let the comp/limiter handle to signal hitting the mix buss.
LOL… Yeah, my bad, forgot about that. On my Presonus SL (no flying faders) I did this. The drummer threw a towel across the stage once during setup while mp3’s were playing and happened to hit the master fader perfectly. That’s when I put tape over it.