Legacy help: PA28 Master Bus

Forums Forums Other A&H products Legacy help: PA28 Master Bus


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  • #119166
    Profile photo of SimonMcSimonMc

    Hi all,
    First post!
    I have a PA28 that’s been brought out of long-term storage in the hope it will service a need.
    The desk appears to be fully functioning apart from the master bus.
    All inputs tested and good, PFL’d each in turn and all meter at 0.
    FX bus and FB1 & FB2 all pass signal correctly.
    BUT, the signal on master LR is none existent / only lights up the -30 led on the meter. No Sig led on the PEQ when selecting LR, but signal lights when sending FB1 and 2 to the PEQ.
    Had the mixer apart and thought it might be the ribbon connector on the master card (hot glue and one clip holding it in, but reseated it and cleaned contacts without success.
    Faders don’t feel gungy and desk is not dirty inside or out.
    Any help or suggestions would be grately received as it would be great to have this desk back fully functioning.

    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    Look at cleaning the L R insert jacks and the routing selector switches on the output PEQ.

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