LCR problem

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  • #72133
    Profile photo of neuranneuran

    I’m not able to configure LCR to work properly. I’ve selected it from the menu and then applied but only the C channel receive and output signals.
    The LR does not receive anything.
    What can I do?

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    try again 🙂

    Profile photo of neuranneuran

    not funny

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    more information would be helpful…
    pan in the middle should lead to no signal on L/R only in C

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    LCR is a ‘hard pan’ mode, from L only through to C only and R only as you adjust the control.
    For an LCR+ approach to mixing (with a ‘blend’ control to adjust the amount of C vs LR) try 5.1 mode, where you can select LR, LCR or LCR+ independently for every channel, and use the Divergence control to blend C vs LR. Just discard the surround channels if they are not of any use.

    Profile photo of neuranneuran

    Thanks, I was totally ignorant about the LCR mixing mode. You both have solved my question. Thanks again.

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