IP: Not Intellectual Property, Not Internet Protocol

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  • #92749
    Profile photo of Don MorrisDon Morris

    Okay, got our SQ-6 and SQ-5 in last week (upgraded from a GLD-80) and my burning question, which I’ve had for some time, is, “What does IP stand for?“ As in IP1, IP2, etc.

    I’m guessing it means “Input,” but I’ve never seen it discussed in the documentation.

    Profile photo of volounteervolounteer

    @Don Morris

    AH documentation is good for engineers but is far from complete.

    Where did you see it on the SQ?
    On the box itself ?
    In the manual ?

    Internet protocol seems to be the only thing that would fit with this type of AH kit.

    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    In that case it is input, setting up fader assignments in channel input patching.

    If your in the set up/networt menu then it would be internet protocol.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    IP input
    OP output

    the numbers or the context could be a hint
    how would you shorten the word input?

    Profile photo of Mfk0815Mfk0815

    how would you shorten the word input?

    Hmm, „in“ would be my first choice.

    Profile photo of volounteervolounteer


    My first choice would be to spell out ALL abbrevs used in documentation.
    Also all acronyms, terminology with multiple meanings , yada yada.

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