For now, the only feedback we’d provide is that the awesome CQ18-T mixer misses a very simple feature : an integrated metronome, that could be:
– mixed to any individual monitor or Main output, as any other input
– recorded as an additional track (or sent to the DAW via a dedicated track).
For now, we managed to connect an electronic metronome to an analog input, but I think this feature would be very easy to implement in the firmware, and possibly coupled with the Tap Tempo already managed by the mixer.
Our use case is :
– we record all rehearsal sessions in multitrack with Ableton, including the metronome used by our drummer (mixed only in his in-ear monitor)
– when a member of the band is absent, we use the track to work without her/him. In this situation, we mix the recorded metronome with missing-players tracks in the DAW, send this to the CQ18-T, and live players (at least our dummer) follow this recorded metronome instead of using the “live metronome”. This ensures a perfect synchro between live and recorded players.
Integrating the metronome in the mixer would save some wiring, and possibly a mixer channel.
I even see that there is a free space on the ST.INPUTS/FX screen, just right to the BT fader 😉