Input Processing Copy/Paste question.

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  • #44827
    Profile photo of DaveDave

    On my Qu-16 It seams that the preamp gain does not get copied with the copy/paste function. I am trying to shift most inputs to the end of the line to make room for differend inputs on the lower channels. But i’ve had to set pre anp gain manually. Anyone know a solution for this?

    Profile photo of BLKGHOSTBLKGHOST

    Use the button with the USB symbol over the preamp knob to copy it’s setting and paste to the Sel button of the desired channel.

    Profile photo of dpdandpdan

    I am with Dave, but I think the preamp gain and everything for that matter including fader position should be copied when a channel is copied and pasted.

    I too have needed to moved a bunch of channels and had to make manual changes to the gain after pasting.


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I could look it up, but I’m feeling lazy at the moment – what isn’t copied?

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Manual Page 19:

    Copy channel processing – Hold down the Copy key and press a channel Sel key to copy its processing settings. Then hold down the Paste key and press one or more Sel keys to instantly paste those settings to other channels.

    So it is explicitly the processing, not the mix sends, routing or source/preamp.

    I wonder if “copy”&”processing” is a better combination for the current operation (to be married with “copy”&”routing”, and “copy”&”preamp”) and have “copy”&”channel select” be an overall copy – I’m moving this input…

    Looking at sections 6.8 and 6.9 the images both have the same screen contents, but one has the processing lamp lit and on the routing lamp. Photoshopping images for the manual A&H ? 😉 Of course you are, but this pair seems a little incongruous.

    Profile photo of DaveDave

    I will give what BLKGHOST said a try. When i get home today, thanks for the responses so far.

    Profile photo of BLKGHOSTBLKGHOST

    The following Copy/Reset is supported:
    + Input strip Sel key = HPF, Gate, PEQ, Comp, Delay
    + Mix strip Sel key = PEQ, GEQ, Comp, Delay
    + Master Mix key = Send levels, Pans, Assign
    + Preamp USB key = Preamp only
    + HPF In key = HPF only
    + PEQ In key = PEQ only
    + Gate In key = Gate only
    + Comp In key = Compressor only
    + Fader Flip key = GEQ
    + touch Scene item in list = Scene contents

    Taken from the manual (AP9372 iss.5) page 38

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    that seems logical…

    to copy the preamp gain could be dangerous for unexpierienced users…
    due to gain changes in monitor sends…
    Think about it…

    It is the same on the other platforms, iLive and GLD

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    btw… now I have a feature request…
    an overview screen for all preamps with meters, phantom power indicator and the possibility to have all gains on the encoders in that screen would shorten the gain setting procedure

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Why not have the faders represent gain…

    Profile photo of mervakamervaka

    Overview screen sounds good.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    +1 for what steffenromeiss ,BOB and Mervaka suggest and to add, if you touch the channel on the screen the channel strip would highlight or select.
    One of my biggest fear in a live scenario is not knowing where the gain is at on any given channel.

    we are side tracking away from the original post.
    I have a QU32 sitting turned on most of the time here and was able to go and refresh the copy past functions. Absolutely brilliant!
    Gee I wish I had rehearsed those functions before my last 3 day event.


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