Input gain affects output gain?

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  • #124611
    Profile photo of TamerrTamerr

    Hi recently I purchased my first A&H, Avantis solo with AR2412 Audio-box.
    I have 2 stereo inputs for my synthesizers (11-12+13-14) when i turn the gain or turn on the 48V or even press Pad for input 11-12, it affects my matrix output 11-12 too!!
    Even the meters for input 11-12 are showing in output 11-12 strip.
    Any suggestions? Help?

    Profile photo of TobiTobi

    I am Not Sure what you mean. Changing gain effects Output, that is normal behaviour.

    Best Regards.

    Profile photo of TamerrTamerr

    I think you misunderstood.
    My input gain, meters,pads,phantom
    Everything on input 11-12 are effecting output 11-12 and thats not normal

    Profile photo of SQuserSQuser

    You write that your outputs 11-12 are matrix outputs and you have certainly set them up that way on your console – right?
    Matrix outputs are also used to output a mix of the inputs (via groups/aux/main).
    And that is probably what Tobi meant.

    But now it sounds like you may not have created such a mix at all – perhaps all the faders that could be involved are closed.
    In that case you should check again whether 11-12 are actually patched as matrix outputs, or perhaps completely differently, e.g. as dir outs, which could possibly explain your problem.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    I will simply add that with busses (including matrix) you can assign an “Ext Source” (external source) to it. Many times people accidentally assign something to this and then are super confused when that source is coming through that buss. Long story short, be sure to check this unassign anything to the Ext Source unless you have a specific reason for routing something this way.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    Sorry, but if you do not have any idea what you are doing, how should we have?
    Your description is very vague on what you are trying to do.


    Profile photo of TamerrTamerr

    Thanks to Brain for this great answer!
    That was my problem. Thanks man

    Profile photo of TamerrTamerr

    Hi SteffenR,
    Brian described my problem.
    I thought that”EXT” means “Exit” not external.
    I just unassigned the EXT source and that solves the problem! Thanks guys.
    Best, Tamer

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