iLive 1.94 on Windows 10

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  • #51840
    Profile photo of timtracetimtrace


    Is anyone here running iLive 1.94 on Windows 10? What has been your experience?–mac-os-x-1011-el-capitan

    According to this, W10 is not yet officially supported, so I’m expecting a spot of taciturnity‎ from Nicola and crew — of course, the OS has only been out since … July 🙂

    Best regards,

    Tim ==

    Profile photo of timtracetimtrace

    Well, it installs. Testing underway.

    Profile photo of jb12stringjb12string

    How is it working?

    Profile photo of UnderscoreUnderscore

    I’ve not had any issues with Editor 1.94. (Offline single rack config in a win10 Vm.) Worked with it for a couple of hours on and off today.
    opening shows, editing scenes, saving shows, changing mmo outputs, mix rack config, etc…
    Didn’t need compatibility mode. This was on my desktop at home, can’t say how/if it will/wont work with an ‘on-line’ connection.

    Can’t say as I’m impressed with Win10, but time will tell. I still have more testing with my software to see if I put it in full production, since not all my programs play well with Linux. 🙁

    Profile photo of timtracetimtrace

    I had a couple of shows cancel and my MixRack is buried deep in a trailer. I’ll report back ASAP.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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