How to add reverb to one mic in

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    Profile photo of Anonymous

    So if I want to add reverb on one channel in, what is the simplest way to explain it!
    The manual seems complicated for this little task.


    Profile photo of cornelius78cornelius78

    You have three options:

    Insert: “Inserts” the fx into the channel’s signal chain at the insert point (post preamp + pol inv, pre-everything else.) This builds the reverb into the channel’s sound, so everywhere that channel is routed (monitors, FOH, etc.) you hear that reverb. You get a wet-dry control to balance the levels.

    Channel-Return: Taps the channel at the DO point and feeds an fx engine, when then has it’s own dedicated return. You can then route that return to whichever mixes at whichever levels you want. You can mix the dry signal from the channel with the wet return at different levels in different mixes.

    Mix-Return: Adds the channel to a bus (typically post-fader.) The bus then feeds an fx engine (which you’d set up as a reverb) which then has it’s own return you can route wherever you want, as above. This one is typically used when you want to add more than one signal to an fx processor (eg all your backing vox; BVs all feed the bus which sums them, bus then feeds the fx engine, wet fx return feeds LR at whatever level sounds good, along with the dry bv channels.)

    Profile photo of gillygilly

    Cornelius how do you set it so reverb (which is on FX2) only comes out in FOH but not on the monitor mixes.
    I too find the manual quite complicated…in general!!

    Profile photo of cornelius78cornelius78

    If you’ve inserted it you can’t do anything about it: that verb is built into the sound, and will go wherever that sound is routed, FOH and mons alike.

    If you’re using a channel-return or a mix return, you simply treat the return as another input channel. Raise it in the mixes you want (FOH: Press the LR button on the RHS of the console, go to the top layer and raise the FX2 return.) For the mixes you don’t want (mons,) press the mix1-10 button on the RHS of the console, go to the top layer, and ensure that the fx2 return is NOT turned up for mix1-10. This keeps the verb out of your monitors.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Reverb on FX2, assuming it’s either Channel->Return or Mix->Return (i.e. not set to “insert”)..

    Select the Monitor mix and the second fader layer.
    Make sure that the FX2 return faders are right down.

    Switch to FOH, staying on the second fader layer.
    Bring the FX2 faders up.

    That will route the FX return (i.e. the “wet” reverb signal) to FOH, but not the to monitor mixes.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I guess I am so use to to visual analogue mixers. Some tutor videos would be awesome. Do any exist?

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Plenty of demos on Youtube…

    The QU is a pretty visual mixer, but you have to be aware of the layer you are on, and the mix you have selected.

    Profile photo of gillygilly

    How to know if the Reverb is set to Insert or FX send/ return.
    It can be a bit confusing talking in analogue language for digital desk as in this case the insert is virtual as is also the send/ return as the effects engine is built into the desk so no external routing required

    Profile photo of cornelius78cornelius78

    Fx button, select fx engine, front/back panel button.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Section 7.8 on the manual

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I have read it. I will practice it. But it seems that ergonomically there could have been an easier way to do this.

    Profile photo of cornelius78cornelius78

    If you press the sel button on one of the FX send masters/returns (and you’ve got the processing button on the screen pushed,) the screen will show that FX engine automatically, negating step1&2 that I listed previously. Then you only have to press the back panel button to see how that fx engine is set up. Also, if you do have fx inserted on a channel, that channel’s preamp screen will tell you about it and give you a button to bypass it. If you think about it from an analogue perspective: how often are you reconfiguring an external fx unit from being an insert to a send-return? It usually means reaching behind the mixer and re-arranging some cables. I think the A&H methods used on the QU (and GLD\iLive) are rather ergonomic, once you know what they are.

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