Channel naming on the mixer

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  • #36695
    Profile photo of stratstrat

    I asked you a week ago if it is going to be possible to name channels on the mixer itself, with a future update, A simple yes or no is all that I am looking for… Please reply.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Strat, forget it. Buy from another company or live with the customer communication policies of A&H.
    Do you want to know if it’s going to be possible in a future update? It’s really easy: Just wait until the next update and check it out. Not there? Well, continue waiting and in the mean time: Enjoy how powerful your Qu-16 is.

    Sorry, I think it’s their firm intention not to answer such questions. I find this so disgusting, they put a forum like this and then NO communication with the customer but a “keep the tone friendly and encouraging”. I’m really considering getting an X32… Never in my life I thought I could possibly buy anything from Behringer.

    Profile photo of stratstrat

    Yes I know, I also own an ilive system Idr32 and t112 surface .. I am disappointed.

    Profile photo of mervakamervaka

    What if the decision making process leading to an answer isn’t as simple as “yes” or “no”?

    Profile photo of JimmydrummerJimmydrummer

    Yep, someone really needs to give some feedback to these questions. It is frustrating at times! Answers like: “That’s a good idea, we’ll try and implement that soon” would be better than nothing! QSC’s forum is brilliant, one of their tech guys answers every unanswered question and gives feedback on suggestions etc. I don’t think A&H realise how important this is on a forum like this.

    Profile photo of stratstrat

    To Mervaka… Seems simple, either yes we can do it or no we cannot.. as I stated earlier I asked Nickola this over a week ago .. He could at least get back to me and say something like ” I did receive your message and I will get back to you” But to not reply at all just really makes me think more that I should move my A & H Iventory and go to a different supplier, As some of you may know, I have a decent Inventory of Ilive systems, But they are not very Rider friendly, But because I like the product, I have stayed with them, But that may change soon.

    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    I don’t really think anyone should give up on the product merely because they are not getting their way on these forums. Sure we all are curious and want to know but I think it has been widely stated that they don’t address feature upgrades ahead of time or in public. I really think it sets a dangerous precedence. And I to had wondered sometime back why myself. But I was set straight by my network of dealer reps and direct contacts. I understand now. Does not diminish my thoughts on greatness of the product.

    Profile photo of stratstrat

    It may be a great product, But the support sucks!!

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Hi all,

    May I clarify a few things here. As other users have noted, this community site is designed for users to share experiences, exchange ideas, read up and learn. It is not meant as a communication channel with the manufacturer. For direct questions and enquiries to A&H, we encourage people to get in contact with our distribution network, or submit a pre-sales ticket here (the same recommendation applies to Tech Support issues as you should know). This ensures your question is processed no matter who is in the office at the time.

    As for the forums, we (A&H) sometimes chime in to assist or answer operational questions which are not picked up by other users. We will rarely comment on feature requests I’m afraid, but this doesn’t mean we are not listening. We log all requests – not just from the forum but from our distributors, dealers, Tech Support staff etc. then periodically sit down to prioritize features based on demand, technical feasibility and available resources. Only when software has been written and fully tested we write down the actual feature list and can confirm what’s in a release and what’s not.


    Profile photo of stratstrat

    Quote ” QSC’s forum is brilliant, one of their tech guys answers every unanswered question and gives feedback on suggestions etc. I don’t think A&H realise how important this is on a forum like this.”

    Profile photo of mervakamervaka

    Are you proposing that A&H run an open R&D department? That’s dangerous ground.

    Quote “I don’t really think anyone should give up on the product merely because they are not getting their way on these forums. Sure we all are curious and want to know but I think it has been widely stated that they don’t address feature upgrades ahead of time or in public. I really think it sets a dangerous precedence.”

    Profile photo of stratstrat

    I am suggesting an answer to my question, I did what Nickola said, I just got off the phone with an A & H Distributor and he let me know that there are ” NO PLANS” to implement channel naming on the mixer

    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    Mervaka: Not sure what you mean by running an open R&D department…I was just stating I now agree that it is dangerous for them to constantly answer everyone’s wants and desires on this public forum. It would run them ragged. People will ask for the moon.

    Profile photo of DetonatorDetonator


    What’s your point? You’ve gotten a response from Allen & Heath on this subject more than once, you need to pay attention. You’re coming off here like a lame troll. If you need to deal with A&H, you have your instructions on how to do this. A&H support DOES NOT suck. If you can’t achieve satisfaction with this product as it is, move on.

    -Tim Tyler
    Detonator Sound

    Profile photo of mervakamervaka

    Sorry GCumbee, I was replying to strat, quoting you, not replying to you 🙂

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