If a channel source is Blue (USB) the gain ranges from -24/+24.
If a channel source is Yello (dSnake) the range is 5dB to 60dB.
If it is Red (local) it ranges from -5dB to 60dB.
Here’s the rundown of the problem.
Ableton Live is listening to channel 25 / 26 / 27. These are all wireless microphones for speaking. The level received by Ableton is inadequate, landing around -48 to -36dB. I prefer to see the meter hit somewhere between -12dB and -6dB.
Our main (L/R) mix has been the source for the USB audio, which is obviously limiting since we can’t boost the fader without affecting the house. So, I patched the USB audio to MIX3 for 25 / 26 / 27. Now I can use the fader on MIX3 to send a hotter signal to Ableton.
I’m still not getting the levels I need.
Is there someone out there who has a base-line for setting up the right levels to get Ableton to record at the right levels?