Help!: Channel will not Buss

Forums Forums iLive Forums iLive troubleshooting Help!: Channel will not Buss

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  • #44924
    Profile photo of chung2jjchung2jj

    Hi Guys,

    Very straight forward problem two channels I really need won’t buss. Won’t buss to any FX channels or auxiliaries but only the mains.

    Anyone have any idea?? I checked routing and see if theres any issues but nothing seems out of the ordinary. The system was fine before then.

    Thoughts? Quite an emergency!

    Profile photo of StixStix

    Can you explain better? What exactly do you mean it “won’t Buss” Do you mean you can’t assign them to a buss, or you can’t get audio to pass to a buss? If no audio then check DCA assignments (channels OR busses could be assigned to a muted or turned down DCA), check the channels pre/post fader settings (if Post fade then make sure the fader is up!) and that the busses are actually assigned somewhere – ie to your main mix. Not sure what else it could be.

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