Hi, thanks for your answers.
It sounds logical that rtpMidi implements Midi via RTP and not TCP, although I don’t fully understand the difference, but seem to be different protocols. I will have a deeper reading about the difference. I’m wondering if it is really a proprietary protocol, because why reinvent the wheel? TCP as also Midi are standards as far as I know…
It would be really great if someone from A&H could bring some details about how Midi via TCP is handled by the GLD or is the Midi implementation document and the info that a client should listen to port 51325 everything we need to know to get it to work?
Which protocol is used? TCP?
There has been a blog post from Nicola that they are investigating on the usability of rtpMidi for Windows users. Is there a follow up? Why do the Windows users have a lower priority for A&H compared to Mac? (no DAW driver, no Midi…)
The GLD really is a great console, but not all features have reached the goal where they could be…
I keep up trying to get the GLD <-> Windows midi communication to work and will share my findings.
Best regards,