GLD editor 1.3 crash

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  • #36770
    Profile photo of MikeShandMikeShand

    I can’t find where to report this other than here. Win 7 64bit, GLD editor v1.30 running in offline mode, and an essentially default configuration. This seems to be a completely reproducible problem, albeit triggered by a rather strange action, discovered accidentally.

    1. Click setup
    2. Click control
    3. Remove a chanel strip from (say) bank 1 by double clicking, leaving a “spacer”
    4. double click on the spacer

    GLD editor crashes

    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    Just tried that on my Win 7 laptop. Not connected to console. Did not crash multiple times attempted.

    Only thing is double clicking for me does not remove the input from the bank. Dragging it out does. Double clicking spacer does nothing. But no crash. Kept on working so not sure what is going on.

    Profile photo of MikeShandMikeShand

    Very odd. Dragging out removes it, and attempting to drag out again does nothing. Dragging out,THEN double clicking causes a crash.
    Single clicking causes it to be removed (same as dragging out), but single clicking on a “spacer” does nothing. Double clicking on a spacer always causes a crash.

    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    Double clicking does nothing but make the spacer or input flash but no action.

    Toshiba Satellite Win 7 home edition.

    Profile photo of MikeShandMikeShand

    Aha! I re-booted, and now it is behaving exactly as you describe. I’d previously tried re-starting the editor multiple times, but the strangeness persisted. Must have been some strange state that windows got into, but I didn’t notice any issues with any other programs.

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