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  • #63766
    Profile photo of MikeShandMikeShand

    I’m somewhat puzzled by the midi messages I am seeing. I have midi control set to 1.

    When I move a midi strip fader is see messages that appear to be channel 2 e.g. B1 00 16 which since midi channels are encoded as 1 = 0 2= 1 etc. Seems to be channel 2.

    Doc says:-

    MIDI channel number
    MIDIchannel 1to16 = 0toF

    I notice that the QU midi protocol doc says that daw control uses midi channel + 1 . So does the GLD also do this, although it is not documented?

    My other puzzle is that I see messages on channel 1 such as

    B0 00 03
    C0 6E
    B0 63 10

    The latter appears to be sent fairly frequently, but apparently at random. What are they? They appear to be an NRPN MSB selecting Channel hex 10, but there is nothing following them, e.g. The expected LSB parameter etc. So what are these, and why are they being generated. I’m just ignoring them, but I’d like to know what they are for.

    Is there an updated midi spec for gld v1.51 that might explain these. As far I can see nothing in that area is supposed to have changed since 1.4 which introduced the midi strips.


    Profile photo of MikeShandMikeShand

    Ah, I think I know what the

    B0 00 03
    C0 6E

    are. They mean scene recall bank 3 hex 6E which equates to scene 495 which is probably the last scene recalled. So it looks like when you first connect to the GLD it sends the identity of the last scene recalled as if you had requested it. As it says

    “Also transmits this message when a Scene is recalled from the GLD screen”.

    And looking again at the midi strip documentation it appears that the fader output is fixed at Channel 1 irrespective of the midi channel setting.

    But I still don’t understand the NRPN MSB message. What is that about?

    Profile photo of FranckFranck

    I also have discovered the problem of the channel number : always sending messages on channel 2, despite of the channel number indicated on the Setup/Control/MIDI page… Boring, because the channel 2 is already occupied by the machine I need to control, for other parameters. I would like the GLD to send messages on channel 16, but I can’t change this value. Bug ? Issue ?

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