GEQ bug?

Forums Forums Qu Forums Qu troubleshooting GEQ bug?

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  • #43076
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Today I did some measurements on the Qu16 I have. I used the “Room EQ” software for measuring the linearity of the inputs and outputs. I connected the Qu16 to my laptop and used the latest windows drivers, then I (the Room Eq software) sent a constant-amplitude sine sweep to ST3. I routed this one with 0dB to mix 1, with its master fader set at 0dB (as accurate as possible since the master fader levels can’t be read anywhere in the firmware). Then I connected a 1m XLR cable from mix1 to Ch1, set Ch1’s gain and LR-fader to 0dB, and the LR master fader also to 0dB, channel and master processing all off. Then one of the LR outputs was read back by the software and compared to what it sent through ST3.
    So I just created a loop as needed for calibrating soundcards, for example.

    I did measurements with all the LR processing off and compared it to
    – LR PEQ on but flat
    – LR Comp in but not getting triggered
    – GEQ in but flat

    Everything was exactly the same as the measurement with everything off, but only the “GEQ in but flat” measurement looks strange. I guess this is a bug? Both attached graphs should look exactly the same, as it was the case with the other two comparisons (comp and PEQ).

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Hmm… the hard reset somehow fixed the bug. That must be a new kind of software auto fixing thing. Or does the hard reset function download firmware patches somehow? Thank you anyway for such a fast fix. People working in UK at this time… You should go get a break now, it’s weekend.

    Of course, the other measurements that looked right were really right…

    Profile photo of mamericamamerica

    I guess I would assume that I did something wrong the first time and try to recreate it.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Sure, mamerica. It was a joke 🙂 I know it must have been me overseeing something.

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