Gang same fader for different mixes?

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  • #102946
    Profile photo of unclejemimaunclejemima

    We have a live mix (Main/front of house L&R) and a live stream mix on Mix5 that goes to our streaming software.

    We’ve got the live stream mix independent of the main mix so we can adjust things like an acoustic piano different for the live mix than the stream mix.

    Things are working good, but we have one stereo input (ST1) that grabs audio from a PC output for pre-recorded music where we want to make the mix 5 fader for the ST1 do the same as the Main Mix ST1 fader. The mute, gain and such already work as one (mute ST1 on the main mix mute’s it on the Mix 5) but the faders work independently. Meaning if I want to turn up volume on the ST1 for Main Mix AND Mix 5, I can’t.

    I tried ganging them together (mix 5 ST1 fader with main mix ST1 fader) but it looks like you can only gang different faders, but not the same fader for different mixes.

    Am I missing something or is there another clever way to do this?

    Let me know 🙂

    Profile photo of Mfk0815Mfk0815

    You can set the tap point for that stereo signal to post fader for mix 5 and adjust the basic level of mix 5 in the beginning and whenever you adjust the main level after that you will also change the level for mix 5.

    Profile photo of unclejemimaunclejemima


    I’m still a noob at this…what you’re suggesting is done through the routing button, right?

    Let me know 🙂

    Profile photo of nottooloudnottooloud

    Yes, the routing button of the channel. You can also select your Mix 5, and hold down the Pre Fade button on the left. The Select button will be lit up on any channel that’s prefade. Press Select on your ST1 channel to make it post fade. Set the fader at 0 unity to start. Now when you move the ST1 fader on you L/R mix layer, the ST1 Mix 5 fader won’t change, but the signal level will track the main mix.

    When I’m doing a simultaneous stream mix, I set all the channels that way. My stream mirrors the main mix, but if I want a little more guitar or a little less bass, I just have to move that one fader on the stream mix layer. My ambient mics are set prefade, so I can send them to the stream without sending them to the mains.

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