"Gain" parameter should be associated with Channel when recalling scene.

Forums Forums dLive Forums dLive feature suggestions "Gain" parameter should be associated with Channel when recalling scene.

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  • #121467
    Profile photo of Julian TinaoJulian Tinao

    This has to do with this discussion :

    Recalling gains to channels after softpatching inputs

    I understand Gain is a pre-amp parameter, and when doing re patch the gain state “moves” with the pre-amp. But in the event of “recalling a scene” the parameter “Gain” should be associated with the “channel number” NOT the input pre-amp number. That is the normal behavior of most pro mixing desk usually.

    As of today, if you had a scene with something like :
    “Channel 1 Kick” (preamp Local 1) Gain = 5
    “Channel 34 Vocal” (preamp Local 34) Gain = 27

    and the do some repatch:
    “Channel 1 Kick” (preamp Local 34) Gain = 27
    “Channel 34 Vocal” (preamp Local 1) Gain = 5

    We should be able to put the global recall safe “Input Patchbay” and then recall the original scene and obtain this :
    “Channel 1 Kick” (preamp Local 34) Gain = 5
    “Channel 34 Vocal” (preamp Local 1) Gain = 27

    BUT we obtain this :
    “Channel 1 Kick” (preamp Local 34) Gain = 27
    “Channel 34 Vocal” (preamp Local 1) Gain = 5
    This is never useful.

    Gain at the moment of recalling should be associated to Channel NOT input patch, even though we know the “Gain” is part of the preamp, in this particular moment (scene recall) it has NO SENSE at all to maintain the preamp gain, what is useful and logic is to think of the gain as something associated to the channel.

    This would allow us to do fast repatch in festival or whatever situation, and then put the “Input Patchbay” recall safe, recall the scene and recover all the scene gains in their respective channels with the new patch solved.

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