Gain level on QU-Drive Multitrack

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  • #112573
    Profile photo of mr. y-munmr. y-mun

    I’m recording my band via QU-16 QU-Drive multitrack on 16 Tracks. After recording I’m importing these files into Logic to do the mixing.

    Unfortunately I don’t get a proper signal for my stereo guitar signal coming from a Kemper. In the channel strip everything looks good, it’s even short before clipping.
    As soon as I’m arming the multitrack recording function I see, that the signal is pretty weak. And so it is on the recorded track. If I then add more gain I’m deeply into the distortion and don’t get a clean signal any more.

    Could anyone tell me what I could to to solve this?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Profile photo of GigaGiga

    Simply normalize the tracks after you’ve imported them into Logic.

    Good luck !


    Profile photo of ccrccr

    My recording are also very quiet, but as they are in 24 bit, you can easily increase their gain/normalize on the computer without raising the noise floor.

    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    On the direct out setting are they set for pre fade?
    There is also a level trim adjustment for the direct out.
    Those are global settings that can be set from any channel in the preamp menu screen.

    Profile photo of mr. y-munmr. y-mun

    Thank you so much. That was the solution! Great!

    Profile photo of BeelyBeely

    I too have had this problem.
    Would anyone be able to help me find where the trim level adjustment for the direct out can be accessed.

    Cheers for now.

    Profile photo of mr. y-munmr. y-mun

    Let me check it for you asap.

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    This article may be useful in explaining what’s going on and why –
    (in short, 0dB on the meters = -18dBFS in the digital realm)

    – the Direct Out Trim is found in the Routing screen when an input has been selected. Note that Direct Out Trim is on a per-channel basis, unlike the other (Global) Direct Out Settings.


    Profile photo of BeelyBeely

    Hi Keith.
    I had a quick skim-read of that article.
    The last paragraph in particular seems to cover what I am looking for.
    Cheers for that.

    Profile photo of mr. y-munmr. y-mun

    Sorry, I was too slow. Thanks guys!

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