FxRack latency

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  • #92301
    Profile photo of RSRS

    Is there a list to be found on how much latency is introduced by what unit when inserted into a channel?

    Profile photo of ZistanZistan

    approximately 0.28ms

    Profile photo of RSRS

    Thx Zistan.
    where is this number coming from? Have you measured that yourself and is it viable for all plugins via FxRack?

    Profile photo of ZistanZistan

    Yes, I measured it myself via Smaart. All plugins, maybe exclude Phaser.

    Profile photo of RSRS

    Ok. Great work and thanks a lot for that info 👍

    Profile photo of RunepuneRunepune

    According to the AH Knowledgebase:

    Inserting a Dyn8 adds 4 samples on input / bus processing (42us)
    Inserting a De-esser, Transient Controller, DynEQ or Doubler from the FX Rack adds 27 samples on input / bus processing (281us)

    Profile photo of ahjeffahjeff

    For completeness, here is the Knowledge Base article referenced: https://support.allen-heath.com/Knowledgebase/Article/View/1202

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