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Is there a way to patch the fx sends to a output (alt out or dlink ), to use it as a monitor mix ? (Qu16)
The only way I can see would be to PAFL the FX return channel and choose that as the Alt Out source.
Something for the feature requeststs ? Even my mixwi zard has this option !
I’m curious as to why you want to do this. Aren’t ten monitor channels enough? How many do you need?
Though I can imagine using FX sends 3 & 4 as extra sends, why do you need them?
There are 7 monitor sends (4 mono and 3 stereo ) and 2 fx sendson the qu16 . Last weekend I had 5 wedges and 3 in ears in use , I didn’t need any fx . I used the main out for the 3th in ear , but couldn’t use fx sends as an alternative monitor send
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