Future Proof Xone on Mac?

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  • #104829
    Profile photo of EdEd

    I have a just upgraded from my 2011 Macbook Pro to a new M1 Macook Pro. Turns out that means my Xone 4D is now redundant as a digital interface as there is no sign of support for 64bit. My question is if I go for a PX5 or 96 will I end up in the same situation in a few years or is there something different in the newer Xone devices that drivers will not be an issue in the future? In short I dont want to invest another £1500 only if I wont get long term use.

    I am not clear how long the PX5 and 96 have been out and thus how long I can expect Mac support. Thoughts?

    Profile photo of dottorkdottork

    I think the 96 was built Midi Complain Class.

    If it’s so, you’re going to have a Mixer for years (incredible that a xone3d stills working like a charm and a&h discontinued the 4d…)

    I have a question to you about the 4d:
    I sold mine about two years ago, but want to buy another one.
    The 4D has a built-in midi interface, with classic ports in the back.
    Could you tell me if the midi commands are sent over this ports too?

    That would be a workaround to still working with it.
    I have an Audio10, which has these ports too.
    If the 4d is sending the commands, you can capture it with other interfaces and use the 4d buttons like before (other thing is the audio interface….)


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