Feature tracking / voting

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  • #44011
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    A quick browse around has lead me (several times) to https://www.uservoice.com/
    Looks like they do a “free” version for ‘one agent’, which I imagine is how A&H could easily operate for a while. It might be worth someone having a play..

    It was one of the things I really liked about the Mackie community forums, the ability to see what people were requesting, and get a “planned” or even a “not happening” response – then an email when the feature is released…

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    We have been asking that since long before you were virtually born in this forum. No chance. Not even an answer. It has only been stated that someone from A&H is silently reading all posts and taking account to everything and logging everything.

    The alternatives are:
    1) get a freaking jumbo if you need more features and stop insulting other’s babies
    2) wait for the next firmware with humility

    We have been recommending doing 1) to a lot of people, and some of us are stil doing 2) with varying degrees of humility since more than a year now. And you come in and think you’re going to have it easier? Never.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Now seriously:

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Maybe I can push something before the optimist in me is beaten out 😉

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