Faders not on surface – configurable.

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  • #43691
    Profile photo of GSLC-TechGSLC-Tech

    I added this as a feature request, but I thought I’d ask if anyone has a ‘good’ solution. Situation, adult praise band starts the service, middle school plays offertory, back to adult praise band. We use scenes to jump between bands. Some mics/inputs are shared, others are not. The mics that are not shared are only found on the surface for a single band. If a channel is un-muted when switching between scenes, that channel stays un-muted. Our solution is to add all our channels to other layers that are not being used and mute them.

    As and FYI, for each band we have created their own template show (which has a template scene). On the Sunday the middle school band plays, we copy their scene to the ‘Master’ Sunday show.

    Any other solutions?

    Profile photo of eotsskleeteotsskleet

    Use only one show with two scenes for your service! Include or exclude wanted channels to “recall safe” to pretend muted channels and your own Band-Layer-Layout!

    Profile photo of jcarterjcarter

    With the proper choice of recall filters (allow recall of the mute status of channel inputs…) you should be able to save each setup with unused channels muted, and have them mute automatically when recalling the scene. The trick is to remember to mute unused channels *before* you take their strips off the board (or get out the iPad).

    Profile photo of benniferjbenniferj

    You could also assign a DCA to a batch of channels so you can mute them all with 1 common mute.

    Profile photo of GSLC-TechGSLC-Tech

    I’m going to add a couple of suggestions to resolve this issue.
    1) On the control screen, indicate which channels are muted.
    2) Automatically mute channels removed from the surface (this would be configurable and default to the current method).
    3) Be able to mute/unmute from the control screen.

    The only method I currently see is to drop the channel onto the surface mute it and remove it from the surface. I have been burned by this twice and as a similar post the same thing happened to me for a channel being pfl’d.

    Profile photo of GSLC-TechGSLC-Tech

    We would never want to scene safe any of the inputs as each band shares inputs.

    Profile photo of GSLC-TechGSLC-Tech

    I agree that in practice, you should mute the channel prior to tossing it off the surface. I’m just hoping it can be an option.

    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93

    Is there any reason the scene that removes the faders from the surface couldn’t also mute them?


    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    write two scenes that only mute your set of channels you are not using
    then you can mute the unsed channels only.

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