Hallo all!
Yesterday for first time experienced this kind of problem with gld 80. The bank of 12 faders on the left sometimes (not all time) dropped values, lets say i have faders in first layer on channels at 0dB and in second at – whatever dB, traveling from layer 1 to 2 it changed values to 0dB in second layer, basically turned up unwanted stuff. It also happened to mono aux sends and fx sends, when left fader bank was in aux send mode Impossible to work with, during the soundcheck it destroyed monitor mix couple of times. Then i realized, that most problems was with faders 5-8 so i skipped them in all layers, and tried to avoid monitor mixing in aux master mix mode, instead used input channel mix mode. So today i have another show, no substitutes, so i will try to open it up, and recheck some connectors in it, maybe somebody can give me some advice, which way to look more specifically, with this kind of problem. Thanks,