I use the built in speaker Matrix FX processor to run my FOH.
This works great except that, if for example I were to run a 5 way foh matrix i.e. L delay, L,C,R, r Delay, I find I have no gain/fader/level control of the outputs, as the inputs are simply Left main and Right Main. Even the centre is unassailable to the centre output of the Spkr Matrix. Am I missing a trick? I see it is possible to add delay times to each position but it does not seem possible to control individual position levels.
Because of this I end up using a matrix to supply my L&R delays just so I have some level control at the desk. The downside is of course that the output signals to my delays are now not x-over processed and this is the same for my centre which is also fed from Main Centre.
Now I know I have processing available via the MTX to GEQ/PEQ, but there is no HPF in the MTX!
If I am not mistaken and I have not missed something – I suggest that this becomes a feature request – that output per speaker not only has a delay assigned but also a level control much like the virtual fader controls in the multi-band compressors.
(aka Fergie)