Faders assigned to FX Speaker Matrix outputs

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  • #45764
    Profile photo of fergusomfergusom

    I use the built in speaker Matrix FX processor to run my FOH.

    This works great except that, if for example I were to run a 5 way foh matrix i.e. L delay, L,C,R, r Delay, I find I have no gain/fader/level control of the outputs, as the inputs are simply Left main and Right Main. Even the centre is unassailable to the centre output of the Spkr Matrix. Am I missing a trick? I see it is possible to add delay times to each position but it does not seem possible to control individual position levels.

    Because of this I end up using a matrix to supply my L&R delays just so I have some level control at the desk. The downside is of course that the output signals to my delays are now not x-over processed and this is the same for my centre which is also fed from Main Centre.

    Now I know I have processing available via the MTX to GEQ/PEQ, but there is no HPF in the MTX!

    If I am not mistaken and I have not missed something – I suggest that this becomes a feature request – that output per speaker not only has a delay assigned but also a level control much like the virtual fader controls in the multi-band compressors.

    (aka Fergie)

    Profile photo of ddff_lvddff_lv

    I haven’t played with that, but can’t you patch Speaker processors output to direct input of MTX?


    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Hi Mark,

    I wouldn’t use the iLive Speaker Matrix for delays. The way it works, an LR signal is spread across multiple speaker stacks across a wide stage front. Far L and far R are not copies of LR, they are the extremes of the PAN image. You’ll get all sorts of phase issues if you were to use these for delay stacks.


    Profile photo of fergusomfergusom

    Thanks Nicola – that’s handy to know.

    That’s a possibility dddff I will investigate – thanks

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