DX012 Configuration Issue

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  • #124181
    Profile photo of KevinKevin

    I have an existing DX012. I have cascaded it to another DX012. I recently configured the last stereo pair of the original for an Aux out for in ear monitors. I an unable to prove the new DX012 is there… and of course I cannot map another new aux send to the unit. I have no error lights.
    #1- Are there any instructions on configuring (not just adding) the DX012 anywhere? Possibly I am searching for the wrong terminology. #2- I feel like I am missing a step that links the DX012 device in the I/O page. Creating an Aux and configuring the last port of the existing one was straight forward with numbers in sequence. If there is something obvious, please let me know. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks

    Profile photo of TIMOTTIMOT

    I hope this helps…
    Remember (if you don’t, please read all the very valuable information available from A&H about S-Link) the DX protocol is 32 x 32.
    The first DX 012 is mapped to the the first 1 to 16 and the second is mapped to 17 to 32 in cascade mode.
    The DX012 is
    • 12 analogue line outputs (1-12)
    • 8 analogue line outputs + 4 stereo AES outputs (1-16)
    • 4 analogue line outputs + 8 stereo AES outputs (1-20)
    Depending on your configuration and if you are using AES, Analog or a combination of the two, my best guess is that you should be looking for the second (cascaded) unit to show up around output 17 – 32.
    Let us know if this works or if you are still having issues.
    Best regards!

    Profile photo of TIMOTTIMOT

    One thing I didn’t mention is that on the I/O page the S-Link has four tabs to cover the entire 128 x 128 so you may find you outputs on the next tab…

    Profile photo of KevinKevin

    So since we are using Cat5, then this is S-Link…? All the switches on the DX012 are Line selected, not AES. The mappings for the first one are under I/O Port one (65-76). So I have been testing under I/O Port 1 and I/O Port 2. I don’t recall seeing any mappings under SLink that seemed related. Maybe this info sheds more light.

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Hi Kevin,

    Where is the DX012 physically connected to? If the first unit is patched under I/O Port 1 65-76, I suspect this is a DX Link card in your I/O Port, or a gigaACE card with a DX Hub. Either way, the cascaded DX012 should show up as 81-96 on the same I/O Port.

    Profile photo of KevinKevin

    81-96 is shaded white. No labeling above.I have simply patched across the whole spectrum… but no go. Maybe thats not possible to test that way.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    I’ve you haven’t already found and read the DX/GX System Guide manual, I would suggest you start there. It covers just about every potential way to set this up and where the physical I/O would be found in the SLink numbering scheme.


    Profile photo of KevinKevin

    A lot of perfect scenario stuff and greenfield there and no detail to where I am at. This system was already in place and I am just trying to expand it a bit and correct some errors. Thanks for your help.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    But what is your configuration?
    You didn’t mention any details that are valid for the solution.

    “So since we are using Cat5, then this is S-Link…?”

    The cable has nothing to do with the protocol the connection is using.
    Most of them use CAT cabling.

    Profile photo of KevinKevin

    Gotcha. I was curious why I was being asked. If the DX012 is connected and ready, it should be seen by the board. I am simply adding an Aux output send to a Shure in-ear system. 6 are in place and working today, but they were all on the same (first) dx012. As simple as selecting the next I/O pair. Overall configuration was done way before me. I can only assume it’s correct except for the pre-post issue in another post you are help with.

    Profile photo of KevinKevin

    This is fixed. Mapping just to 81 &82 worked. So grateful. 79 and 80 were open, I guess it threw me as it didn’t work and I am using the first port of the dx012. Also, I am guessing that mapping 20 or 30 across the span to experiment will not work.
    Thank you so much!!

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