Downward expansion

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  • #43183
    Profile photo of Dick ReesDick Rees

    Please, Santa, do consider adding the choice of downward expansion to the Qu gates. I find use for hard-gating on only one or two channels but find that downward expansion is useful on almost every open mic…especially for conferencing, live broadcast and video feeds.

    And it sure helps make a cleaner mix on live music stages.



    Profile photo of StixStix

    Agreed – and my wish is that it also comes to iLive as it is still strangely missing from the “flagship” product!

    Profile photo of mamericamamerica

    It is long overdue!

    Profile photo of LouLou

    I use a Soundcraft Vi4 at the club where I work – and it lacks expansion too! If Qu had it that would be an excellent selling point.

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