Dlive feature suggestion

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  • #106707
    Profile photo of rikkordrikkord

    I know 1.9 is out and probably you won’t add anything new anytime soon but I think these are some features that would make a lot of dlive users or future dlive users happy. It would be nice to give these a thought.

    – insert patchbay in I/O section (insted of doing it on a channel by channel basis)
    – Insert on/off softkey
    – insert on/off scene filter
    – Even/odd stereo pairing possibility (istead of the actual fixed odd/even pairs)
    – Group to group routing option (i know i know, phase…but maybe with a message window making clear that in case of turning on this function the user have to take care of the delay compensation to maintain coherent phase)
    – Global on/off/pre/post for aux,grp,mtx,fx send, main bus
    – INS A + INS B option for groups just like with channels


    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    Global on/off/pre/post for aux,grp,mtx,fx send, main bus

    With selected master/mix of each of this channel types, it is already possible to switch all associated sources.
    Have a look in the quick start guide.

    Profile photo of ParkerA1996ParkerA1996

    +1 for the even/odd pairs or even ability to patch this way from the patchbay to an odd/even channel pair. Definitely feels a bit restrictive given the levels of these desks.

    Profile photo of tpauldingtpaulding

    Group to Group Routing
    This is technically possible but you have to burn an input in between each route. We have KICKS, SNARES, TOMS, OHS groups that all return to an input using the group as a source. We then route those group input channels to our DRUMS group, for instance.

    Profile photo of rikkordrikkord

    Yeah, one by one. What I meant was a place probably a window in the mixrack config section where you can set this up globally for all of these.

    Profile photo of SebSeb

    Group to group routing, +1
    Of course, it can be tricky, so maybe a warning pop up should appear, but it would really be a very cool feature.
    ip to group to ip to group, is clumsy, and quite heavy, I think.

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