dlive feature request

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  • #93103
    Profile photo of RupertRupert

    1 – In the I/O page the ability to rename the option card ports
    2 – Add ‘Undo’ feature to a soft key
    3 – Individual channel global routing options (CH 1 – Follow CH Mute, CH4 – Not mute)
    4 – global rotating – being able to change the direct out pick off points for individual channel – post/pre gate, pre amp, etc.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    2 – Add ‘Undo’ feature to a soft key

    I guess you refer to the scene recall undo… this is already possible with the reset button and GO
    there is no other undo

    4 – global rotating – being able to change the direct out pick off points for individual channel – post/pre gate, pre amp, etc.

    this will make critical recordings unusable or at least you have to correct every changed position in time…
    the recording would not be time coherent anymore without that change

    Profile photo of lightingman117lightingman117

    +1 to all accounts

    Would love per ch direct out pick points instead of global.
    Was a lifesaver on M7CL with in-ears.

    Tie-lines for recording…

    Profile photo of BradBrad

    Steffen, agree that for some uses keeping all sends global is valid, however when dealing with MEs and recording there are often times where different channels are required at different points in the chain. The tie lines help, but the option to select pick off points would be useful as well. Maybe this could be an option that could be enabled by the user? This would also provide a good way of resetting all channels back to a consistent setting when the desk gets a bit messy.

    Profile photo of RupertRupert

    @SteffenR yes I agree with @Brad and @lightingman117 regarding the global routing pick off points.

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