Does anyone know how to or if you can make fine adjustments in Director on a touch-only tablet? There is no keyboard so the Ctrl-drag feature doesn’t work in this case.
in MixPad it is possible to move the finger sidewards to change the level adjustments with the fader more accurate…
I can’t try this, have no touch for Director…
So trying this on Director with touchscreen laptop if I move my finger away from the gain knob to the lower right corner of the screen I have some better control.
If I try this on delay there is no difference no matter how far away I am from the control.
I’m going with it doesn’t support touch location based fine control. It just appears to with certain controls.
We had already requested a direct input of delay values somewhere before. This would indeed be helpful, e.g. if you have measured the delay for a delay line and want to enter the value