Disturbing Cancel button

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  • #94217
    Profile photo of nwegabnwegab

    On the keyboard surface, the cancel button is next to the shift and “123” buttons.
    In my opinion, it is a wrong UI design, because very easy to touch it accidentally and lose the already typed text.
    It is annoying and slows the users down.
    It can be fixed easily by reduced the size of “Cancel” button and separated better from the other buttons (by distance and color).
    BR, Gábor

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    this is a pre defined widget from the UI library,
    maybe it’s not that easy to do

    Profile photo of nwegabnwegab

    Of course, I don’t know your software architecture and drawbacks.
    I have almost 30 years of engineering and IT background, and I just want to help you to improve this great mixer.
    Especially the software part, because the user experience is crucial for success and sowtware is more flexible than HW.
    I think this suggestion is valid, maybe you can discuss it with your colleagues.
    BR, Gábor

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    it was just a hint that it is not easy… not more… not less

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