disappointed about processing knobs

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    Profile photo of mrp123mrp123

    I like all the great new features of the dLive, but I’m disappointed by the processing user interface. I prefer more knobs that are single-purposed rather than fewer or all knobs that change function depending on a state selected by the user. I know not everyone will agree. Confusion by soft buttons and soft knobs is a recurring challenge I face with the workers that may use this, which was a primary reason why we chose iLive T112 early on.

    For example, according to the promotional video, if one want to see both the compressor and gate settings simultaneously, one must compromise and not have all parameters readily accessible. If one wants all parameters accessible, one will have to page through knob states, according to one’s preference.

    Profile photo of dcongdondcongdon

    I think you bring up valid points. The industry continues to shift more and more from the analog to the digital. The A&H is pretty blatant that the DLive is “digital native” – meaning encoders are important, but the multi-touch/gesture screens are essential to using this hardware. With 2 screens and each screen being divided into several zones, it appears you can adjust multiple points along the signal chain simultaneously.

    Personally, I welcome the shift from encoders to screen GUI because of what you have mentioned. Even with the original iLive (and most digital mixers), encoders give limited visual feedback on their own. They will never give the same tactile information like an analog mixer or outboard gear…and frankly, they can’t when you consider the amount of DSP processing that must be adjusted on a single piece of equipment. With the original iLive, I would adjust the encoder but relied on the screen for visual feedback. This meant I was still limited to a single adjustment in the signal chain.

    After 4 years of using tablet remote control and touchscreen GUIs, I rarely touch encoders anymore (aside from the encoders above each channel – still great for quick trim adjustment or pan control) and primarily rely on the touchscreen GUI.

    I say all this to point out that the DLive is embracing this change in digital workflow. With that in mind, tt seems like a good mixture of features and flexibility. Hope to test it out myself in the near future.

    Profile photo of papromikepapromike

    You need to get your hands on it, all of the critical functions are ONE KNOB per FUnction. Preamp, TRIM, LPF, HPF, All of the EQ are all dedicated Knobs that never change, the only stuff that are customizable are the additional Knob sets on the sides of the screen. They can be customized to control your “Preferences” such as dedicated for COMP/LIMITER, or Dedicated for EFX control or AUX.

    Its a very customizable workflow, uber quick and very well laid out, none of the functions are under menus, or shift command type keys, its all laid out and will have an extremely quick workflow.

    If you are a Infocomm next week, stop by the booth and we can do a personal demo on it.. ITs really an amazingly well thought out system and one of the fastest workflows I have ever worked on.

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