Deep processing library

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    Profile photo of perageperage


    Does anyone know if A&H have a library online for the deep units and suggested use? Iā€™m receiving the c3500 in a few days and have played around with the director for now. Curious to know which compressor to use where and also the deep preamps.

    Anyone like to share their experiences?


    I dig the tube preamp on a few vocalists and things I need to saturate or subtly distort. I really dig the mighty on snare and bass, depending on the context. I go back and forth between the 16t and the 1176 on guitars, kind of depends on who’s playing what. (And sometimes I’ll swap them per song in my recall scope.) The “optotronik,” model is fantastic for all kinds of stuff. I particularly like it as vocal buss glue, it’s nice on toms, and I’ve had good luck using it on piano/keys, although the opto is good there too. On keys/tracks I also like to use dyn8 on an insert sidechained to vocal buss to help keep things like synth strings in check. I dig the 16vu on overheads, and/or things I want to squash a bit. Enjoy the new toy!

    Profile photo of BradBrad

    The preamps on bass can be quite handy (split the channel and have a wet/dry mix). i second the mighty comp on snare. 16t is useful on drums in general and bass. they dyn8 with a multi band window from ~800-5k side chained against lead vocals can make some space in the guitars. Dyn8 in general can be very handy on some singers. i also found the opto handy on vocal bus, but am also changing across to the optronik.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    before the Optronic I used the Opto on many sources, now I use more and more the Optronic, I really like it
    and the 16t is the quick solution on nearly everything

    Profile photo of RSRS

    I like the Optronic on pretty much everything non percussive but vocals, where I still prefer the Opto.
    On drums i like the 16t where the mighty is too much most of the time. Couldn’t find any use it, to be honest. Maybe the bands I am working for are not enough Rock….

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    the Mighty is the wrong compressor for jazz or classical

    Profile photo of RSRS

    very obvious…

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    You can download de Dlive director. It is possible to try almost all options of the desk. DEEP processing anyway.

    Profile photo of WolfgangWolfgang

    For vocals I also tried the new OptTonic, but meanwhile I went back to the Opto. With it I have even better possibilities to intervene in the different voices. I still like the Opto a lot!
    In rare cases I still use the OptTronic in the vocal bus. Apart from that I like the way it works on acoustic guitars and keyboards. A really good tool, especially if you don’t have time šŸ˜‰

    The Dyn8 is my little secret weapon, because nobody sees it at first sight. Especially for voices, but also for horns it is a great tool! And for all signals that cause problems šŸ˜‰

    As my colleagues already mentioned, the Mighty at the snare can be a great solution. I use it there, too. But I actually forgot to test it on the toms…

    I like to use the Peaklimiter76 on bass guitars and keyboards.

    At the moment I don’t use the 16T anymore, since the 76 and the OptTronic are available. I must admit to my shame that I haven’t used the 16VU yet.

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