dBFS Metering on Individual Inputs/Busses

Forums Forums dLive Forums dLive feature suggestions dBFS Metering on Individual Inputs/Busses

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  • #112588
    Profile photo of MartinMMartinM

    Since most of us are interfacing with digital signals, it would be nice to be able to change to dBFS meters on individual inputs and mix busses.

    Profile photo of Mr-BMr-B

    Are we?

    Profile photo of MartinMMartinM

    I’m sorry. Most of the folks I work with and talk to are. I apologize if I made an incorrect assumption.

    Profile photo of joren.knieperjoren.knieper

    Hi Martin,

    Welcome to live audio where we have a couple of standards.

    Operating levels are really important, and scaling too.

    You can always dive deep in the dBFS scaling story.

    I learned working on an analog console and my first few times on digital consoles with dBFS were awkward.

    But if you study dBFS or compare both scaling, it is easy to use one or another.

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