DAW Control

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  • #98129
    Profile photo of kitmtkitmt

    Hi, I’ve been testing out DAW control in Pro Tools and it works great with HUI. Faders, Mute, Bank up and down, and Solo work.

    Just a couple of questions,

    Is there any way to get the pan knobs working as well?

    Is it possible to assign the SQ7 knobs to PlugIns in Pro Tools using Midi?


    Profile photo of parlaparla

    I’m also looking for information on how to get the pan knob working (or how to assign any knob to transmit/receive panning information) as daw control on a SQ5.
    Is it possible? Can anyone refer to a paper or a video? Thank you!

    Profile photo of AlexAlex

    I didn’t use protool and i didn’t find a way to use Pan Knob on my DAW (Reaper) but i found another way to do it, maybe it will help you if you can create any shortcut for a fuunction on protool like we can on Reaper.

    My Setup:
    – On SQ6, my soft rotaries are configurate as MIDI CC Absoluute (for me: Channel 1: CC0 / CC1 / CC2 / CC3 for each rotaries)
    – On reaper, my midi setup: https://ibb.co/2PbbfBcReaper Midi Config
    – then i create a new “shortcut” for this action (Action -> show action) like this screenshot: Reaper Action config

    I got only one problem with that: MMC control for record is a bit broken and don’t work every time i press it.

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    The dedicated controls on the SQ (Preamp gain, HPF Freq, PEQ etc… including Pan) will always control the selected audio channel.
    The DAW Control functions comprise the MIDI channel strips along with on-screen MMC and Soft Control options.

    It is not possible to ‘Select’ a MIDI channel strip, as MIDI channel strips do not ‘exist’ in the SQ core, these simply send and receive MIDI control messages.
    For example, if you have no DAW connected, you’ll notice that pressing Mute, Sel or PAFL keys or moving the fader on a MIDI channel strip will do nothing (no illumination). This is because you’ve sent a message that’s gone nowhere, whereas with a DAW connected, you’re sending a message and then a message is sent back by the DAW which the LED’s or faders respond to.

    The reason this is important is because it can be confusing to see MIDI messages being sent when adjusting the pan control. However, these are NRPN messages coming from adjustments you’re making to the mixer core.
    These two distinct types of MIDI messages are discussed in more detail in the SQ reference guide, SQ MIDI protocol document and A&H MIDI Control help document.
    But to try and explain the difference briefly (sorry, it’s tricky as it’s not obvious when just looking at the console!):
    MIDI channel strips and MIDI Soft Controls <-> MIDI messages straight to/from USB and Network
    All other SQ mixer controls -> messages to mixer core -> changes to mixer core <-> NRPN MIDI messages to/from USB and Network

    So the pan control is not a part of the DAW Control functionality and as Alex suggests, the way to create a pan control (which follows channel select in your DAW) is through use of a Soft Rotary sending MIDI control messages and interpreting these with your DAW.


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