Custom Control for dLive is here!

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  • #104827
    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Well done on your layout so far, it’s looking good.
    We are looking at some improvements for the next version of Custom Control and I’m pleased to say that some of your points like grouping, locking aspect ratio of controls, and better source select styles are on the to-do list.

    Profile photo of RomboutRombout


    thats is great! Really hope it could be added. It makes for much faster editing, takes away lots of clicking.
    I got the design finished and im kinda tinkering with the portrait design for mobile… kinda of hustle that one. Not sure i want to use knobs to save space. I find the know control method, swiping left and right a bit weird.

    i finished the setup. Next step is figuring out how i connect everything. Im no audio person, my colleague is.

    I have 2 questions. when i use a preset recall for buttons so they can switch to inputs fast, do i need then buttons or a source selector. Im a bit confused here. Or is the preset recall more for using setups?

    Could i use a send level to be sort of a reset button for a slider? I dont see such a function for the button. So i thought i make a button which sends a certain level to a slider, this way its sort of a reset right?

    Sorry if i ask dumb question, i hardly know a thing about professional audio hardware

    PS there is somethign weird with this forum. When i try to edit a post, i either get this spam warning or my messages gets deleted on submit?! Happened to me twice now, currently im copying the complete message when i do an edit and then post it as a new message.

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    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    > I have 2 questions. when i use a preset recall for buttons so they can switch to inputs fast, do i need then buttons or a source selector. Im a bit confused here. Or is the preset recall more for using setups?

    A source selector is designed to fade between sources to a Zone, typically for background music. You can achieve the same with presets, but the source selector makes it a lot easier.

    > Could i use a send level to be sort of a reset button for a slider? I dont see such a function for the button. So i thought i make a button which sends a certain level to a slider, this way its sort of a reset right?

    There is no ‘set level’ function in Custom Control, but you can achieve your desired ‘fader reset’ with either of these methods:
    – A button which recalls a preset, with the preset having ONLY the required send level selected in its Recall Scope.
    – A button which sends a custom string to set the channel or send to the required level. You can look up the AHM TCP protocol for reference.

    I strongly suggest you experiment with a real unit, or at least with the AHM System Manager once the audio crew has a basic configuration done, to check that the control assignments work as expected and try out the above.

    Profile photo of RomboutRombout


    thanks for the fast replies. I will do that, also guess to my colleague this all makes more sense

    Profile photo of RomboutRombout


    A source selector is designed to fade between sources to a Zone, typically for background music. You can achieve the same with presets, but the source selector makes it a lot easier.

    In the video about the source selector setup i dont see how i can use this custom control app. How do we set this up actually?

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Hi Rombout,

    All you need to do in Custom Control editor is to point a Source Selector to the corresponding Zone.
    So if you have a Selector set up for Zone 5, in the Custom Control properties for the Source Selector object, enter number 5. When connected to a unit, the object should then allow a selection of the sources as set up in AHM System Manager.

    Profile photo of RomboutRombout


    we tried this also using the video. We setup 3 input source, set the xpoint routing inputs and zones. But nothing happened? Not sure if we need to also put the zones though in the Xpoint Routing when we have setup the source selector.

    We have 7 zones have 1 selector, we did add the same selector setup to the other zones. In the custom control app, we used number 1, but im not sure now we need to add comma delimited numbers for all the corresponding zones. This part is a bit confusing?

    The the video they use a controller and assign the zone source select to the ip1. I thought simply adding the source selector in the custom control app and set it to 1 should do the same right?

    Profile photo of RomboutRombout

    i could not edit the text. My images were not added.

    Do we need to setup GPIO in the controller and then connect to custom control app or so with AHM manager?

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