Custom Control connection

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  • #88957
    Profile photo of louislouis

    Hello everybody

    I have search on internet, in the documentation and on this forum but i can’t find the solution at my problem.

    In one concert hall where i work we have an allen & heath c3500 whith a cdm32, my boss want to have a custom control on ipad.
    I have the software on my pc, i’ve check the network (my pc, the desk the stage all submask are but i can’t connect with the stage to upload my config.

    Dis i miss step? Does anybody have an idea of the origin of the problem?

    I apologies for my english, i do my best but it isn’t my mother tongue

    Thank you in advance

    Profile photo of louislouis

    One step have been made, i put the cmd 32 ip adress as gateway and now i see it !

    But i need a username and a password except that… No one have configure an username or password on this device.
    I haven’t found any default username/password on the web, anyone know if there is a default one? (i tried admin admin obviously)

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Hi Louis,

    Did you have a Custom Control file already saved on a PC and to your CDM32 Mix Rack?

    All Custom Control information is stored in the Mix Rack and users are accessible via the surface.

    Once you have created a Custom Control layout in Custom Control Editor, you need to make sure you give it a ‘User’ name. Upload your saved config to your Mix Rack over the network from your PC.

    Now that you have done this, on your surface, go to Mix Rack –> Config –> User Profiles.

    Name the required number of User Profiles on the surface. Make sure that the user permissions are correct and that the user profiles you require are set to active.

    You will need to name your User Profiles that you require, exactly the same as the User Profiles you have set for each Custom Control Layout.

    Once you have done this and your show is saved, you can now connect and log into the Custom Control App using any of these User Profiles from any device connected to the netowrk port or via a router connected to the network port of the Mix Rack e.g. a laptop or an iPad.

    I hope this helps and if you require any further support with this, please submit a ticket to

    Kindest Regards,

    Profile photo of Mike StormMike Storm

    Or if you are using the default Admin user, just type in ‘Admin’ and no password when connecting with Custom Control!

    Profile photo of louislouis

    Thanks a lot Nicole for your detailed advice. Everything is working now !

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Hi Louis,

    No worries at all, have a good day!

    Kindest Regards,

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