CQ20B MIDI for [Listen] and Hph Output Level

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  • #127535
    Profile photo of ClintClint

    Is is not possible to control the [Listen] button on channels and the Headphone Output levels via MIDI? Don’t see anything in the manual regarding MIDI for these functions …

    I am trying to control these remotely from a BomeBox in certain situations …

    Profile photo of FrenchieFrenchie

    You can assign the listen function to a soft key and then trigger the soft key via midi.
    No midi for the headphone volume.

    Profile photo of ClintClint

    Right! Didn’t think of soft keys …

    However, I’ve only got three of those … and I’ve got like 6-7 tracks I want to do this with. Sigh.

    Profile photo of FrenchieFrenchie

    What is your set up exactly ?
    If you add mixing station on it, it can midi control everything.

    Profile photo of ClintClint

    Thanks for the Feedback, @Frenchie !

    I have a detailed diagram of my setup, but I don’t think I can post it here …

    Basically my MIDI control uses a Novation LaunchPad Mini Mk3 (“LMM3”) and (optionally) a FaderFox EC4. I have the CQ mixer app running on an iPad, but for live work, I try to everything with taps on the LMM3. A BomeBox translates LMM3 taps into whatever MIDI is needed by the target systems (Synths, mixers, etc).

    I was hoping to be able to control the [Listen] functions and output Hph level by “direct MIDI” to the CQ20B, but not dice. I’m guessing there’s a way with the gnarly Mackie Control protocol, but that’s wayy more complex …

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