CQ Mixed – UI Changes

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  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 months ago by Profile photo of Anonymous.
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  • #122798
    Profile photo of viavia

    I recently purchased the CQ and used it on my first show tonight. I have previously owned QU-24 and I also own a SQ7. So I have used the Qu & SQ MixPad Apps before.
    I used the CQ App on the IPAD and found it very difficult to change the Gain & Compressor thresholds using the knobs. It would help, if we can have the “Values” be input via the keypad.

    For e.g , If I have to change the Threshold of a Compressor to “11.1”, I can just hit the value box and input the value.
    Similarly, if I want to send Channel-1 to the Output-1 and set it to 0db. I can just edit the value and input 0 and not have to change slide the fader, as getting to exact 0 took me some time.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Not sure you’ll be able one day to set a COMP threshold to 11.1 :D)

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