Clock/sync scenarios

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  • #85965
    Profile photo of BrandonBrandon

    When linking two sq desks together, obviously side stage monitor/ FOH setup. Monitor desk control stage boxes via s link. From there it’s dante between the two desks… how should each desk be clocked? I know that when each desk is by itself with stage boxes the desk should be set to internal? Please expand on this. I recently did this monitor split setup with dante and had both desks set to I/o port. Not sure if it was correct but all functioned ok… just want to know the absolute correct way of doing all of these setups

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    Hi @blonchay123,

    The setup you used is fine, you’d be clocking the whole A&H system to the Dante network, which itself (in a standard setup) would find the best clock master.
    Main thing to remember is to only use one clock master, then clock everything else to this.
    When involving lots of different Dante devices, where possible it is a good plan to clock the consoles to the Dante network, this means if any of them drop off or there is an issue with one, the Dante network will adjust it’s clocking automatically, and the consoles will follow.


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