We have had our QU-24 for 3 weeks and started using the Q-drive for trial recording a couple of days ago.
The first time we used the Q-drive to record a session we heard a “clicking” noise in all Outputs and we thought it was a stray signal in our cordless. The noise continued after muting that input channel.
Then proceeded to mute each Input individually, but the noise continued.
Upon looking more closely we noticed the “clicking” was in synch with the flashing of the Q-drive LED light.
Upon turning off the Q-drive, the “clicking” stopped.
Upon researching the forums, I have found many posts about this and the most popular response so far has been to Mute the ST3 input when using the Q-Drive. Like everyone else, that didn’t resolve the issue for us.
We are not recording directly to a computer yet, so I can’t say if the same happens there.
Based on all the forum posts on this one, I am going to assume this isn’t related to the User and watch the issue closely.