
Forums Forums Qu Forums Qu general discussions Ch>Return


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  • #44519
    Profile photo of Anonymous


    I recently bought the Qu 16 and I’m very happy with the mixer. I do however have a couple of questions regarding the use of “Ch>Return”.
    As a new member to this forum, I was hopping I could get some help.

    Does the “Ch>Return” only affect one channel or can it be routed so that it affects several channels at the same time?

    Lets say I use the “Ch>Return” on channel 1. Is the signal from the FX 100% wet? And is it possible to adjust the dry/wetness without affecting the overall volume for the selected channel with the fader?

    Thanks !

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Ch -=> Return takes the signal from exactly one channel into the FX unit (not affecting the output of that channel (i.e. the channel is still dry)

    The FX output (totally wet) is then routed to the FX return channels, so you have two channels, one with the dry and one with the wet signal – to balance as you want.

    Section 7.8 of the manual is your friend.

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