Channel Delay Problem

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    Profile photo of Andre SAndre S

    Hey guys and girls,

    hope everybodiy is healthy.

    I´m sending some multitracks via the waves card to my SQ5. Then I split the mono guitar (IO port 6) to two channels, pan them hard left and right and delay one side by around 25ms. That way I get a kind of stereo guitar. Works great.
    Then I copied all inputs to another layer (C) to have seperat control for my IEM. My Mix 1 is stereo so I can pan my guitars like I did on the first fader band (A). That´s all fine. BUT the channel delay is not working. The button is green, the display shows 25ms, but there is no audible stereo imaging.
    Everything else: EQ, COMPS, POLARITY, etc are all working independet from my LR Layer.

    I´m at home and listen through the headphone output.

    What am I doing wrong?


    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    Hey Andre,

    Can you hear the compressor working in the Aux mix?
    By default, the Channel Source for Auxes is ‘Post PEQ’, which wouldn’t include compressor or channel delay, so the first thing I’d check is that this has instead been set to ‘Post Delay’.

    Although it won’t affect the input channel delays you mention here, it’s also worth noting that mix channel delays are not included when PAFL’ing Mains, Auxes or Matrices.
    Just in case you’re playing with those whilst listening through the headphone output too and thinking ‘none of the delays are working!’


    Profile photo of Andre SAndre S

    Hi Keith,
    thanks for your answer.

    I pressed Mix 1, selected it, pressed then routing and found myself on the Aux Send Settings page. There I could change the channel source to Post Delay. Perfect. That solved my problem of not hearing my fake stereo guitar and keys on my Monitor outs and even if I PAFL that mix.
    As you also mentioned, the delay on my Mix 1 was not audible through PAFL, but through the output.

    What drives me nuts that I can´t get any reverb/delay in my monitor mix (Mix 1) when sending the singals from my copied fader layer (C) to the FX.
    I get FX in my monitor when sending from Fader Layer A.
    Ip 1 is Voc 1 receiving from IO port 1 and on Fader Layer A
    Ip 33 is the same Voc 1 receiving from IO port 1 on Fader Layer C

    Maybe you´ve got an idea. I´m pretty sure, it is an easy fix, but I´ve got a block in head right now.

    Btw.: Did you like my “ALL reverb preset” youtube vids? I´m planning to do that with all FX preset. Your input/thoughts on that would also be very appreciated.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    Layers have no influence on any part of the processing or routing
    you can split your input sockets to all 48 channels and mix the order on all layers as you like…

    I guess channel 33 is only routed to the monitor mixes and not to the master…. is your fader on this strip on 0dB? or all the way down?
    FX sends are always post fader by default and if your fader is down you sending nothing… no matter where your send levels are

    to exclude a signal from a mix turn it off in that mix

    press the Mix button then hold Assign then use the selects to turn the signals on or off
    to turn all on or off use the select on the mix master strip
    the same works for pre/post settings with the Pre button

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    Hey @Andre S ,

    I think Steffen has got it here, it sounds like you might be changing mixes at the same time as changing layers (?) rather than remaining in the LR mix, and using assignments and post fade mixes.

    And yes, the videos are great! I think a lot of girls and guys are finding them super useful 🙂


    Profile photo of Andre SAndre S

    Hi Steffen,

    you are right, my channels 33 to 48 are not assigned to LR mix, only to Mix 1 to 4. I did that on purpose, because i don´t want those channels to go to the LR Mix, since I treat them processing wise for IEM and not the mains.

    Do the FX busses only get a signal, if a channel is routed to the LR mix bus?

    My faders on layer C (channe 33 to 48 -> unassigned to main) are 0dB, if I go to mix 1 – 4.

    They are all …..ooooh, and while writing this I have a facepalm moment…Of course, I have to raise the faders of channel 33 – 48 to the LR MIX. AND BECAUSE I UNASSIGNED THEM FROM THE LR MIX, they don´t mess up my main mix, but send level to the mixbuss, that of course (again) is post fader.

    I´m sorry guys.
    Thanks for your help.


    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR


    Profile photo of Andre SAndre S

    And by “send level to the mix bus, that of course is post fader”, I mean: “send level to the FX bus, that of course is post fader”…

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