Change channel strip on SQ-5 & Group destination

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  • #81205
    Profile photo of Poli84Poli84

    I have some questions …
    1) Is it possible to change the order of the various processors in the channel strip? For example, put the equalizer after the compressor?
    2) Is it possible to change the “gate” dynamic processor in a “compressor”, in order to have two compressors on the same channel? It would be very useful for example on singers to be able to use one as “de-esser” and the other as a real compressor.
    3) Is it possible to select the point from which the “Direct Output” signal is taken?
    4) I would like to use a GROUP to create a second “Master Bus” with a volume independent of the main Master Bus. It’s possible to do it?
    5) Is there a way to create an HPF & LPF filter on the output buses?
    Thank you all.

    Profile photo of ShowtimeShowtime

    1) No
    2) No
    3 Yes is global selectable, so for al the input channels it is the same
    4) Yes is possible
    5) No, we hope with a later firmware that it will be.


    Profile photo of Poli84Poli84

    OK thank you very much!!
    It would be nice if over the point n.5 could also include the first two points in a firmware update …
    I think that would not be impossible things, especially that of being able to change a compressor instead of the gate …
    We hope they listen to us !!!

    Profile photo of ShowtimeShowtime

    Point 2 wil i hope be available through fx, de-esser in the fx unit and this inserting in the chanel.

    The same way as gld and dlive

    Profile photo of Poli84Poli84

    In fact, the best thing would be to make the dynamic equalizer plugin available … It would be very useful !!!
    I had already asked about it some time ago, but nobody answered me … 🙁 🙁 🙁 …

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