Am I missing something? I’m only just getting into the CQ18T and trying to connect to the DAW (Cakewalk). I have all the Windows drivers installed but all I see is 4 inputs 1&2, 3&4 etc as per the screenshot.
I’m using the USB-B port and the rates are correct.
For the life of me I cant get this thing connected. Any help to this newbie would be appreciated.
You need to use the ASIO drivers. Cakewalk currently seems to use the Windows Audio System. But please don’t ask me, where to set this in Cakewalk… 🙂
That did work thanks!
Still looks odd but I got the channels into Cakewalk. It only seems to be 1 way as nothing is coming back the the CQ18 and to play back from the DAW I need to reset all the drivers to Windows again…
However it’s progress and you helped a bunch, thanks again.