Can't get Custom Layer to control DAW

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  • #59696
    Profile photo of FrettsFretts

    I have a new QU16 with 1.9 firmware loaded.
    I use Logic Pro X 10.2.4. DAW Control is loaded, and everything I could find, read or view on the topic has been tried.
    I have tinkered extensively with Logic ins and outs but still may have missed something – Logic seems endless.
    I have wiped the Q, reset everything and reloaded the firmware and started from scratch twice.
    I have read everything I could find on setting up the Q for DAW control; as far as I can tell it’s set up exactly as described.
    I can get Stereo LR returning from Logic outputs 17/18 on Q’s ST1 and see the signal LEDs moving and hear the LR mix on the headphones.
    I have set every channel to MIDI, I have set all the channels in “Source” to USB.
    But in the Custom Layer, nothing. No fader action, no signal no nothing, it’s like it wasn’t there at all. I can’t… mix.
    In short, I can’t use this to control the DAW at all, can’t use it for what I bought it for.
    Any ideas? Can the Q be defective?

    Profile photo of dpdandpdan

    you need to assign the channels for the custom layer,

    I read that you set the channels to midi, make sure….
    go to Setup/Control/Custom Layer
    and use the rotary encoder (touchscreen knob) and set the channels in the custom layer to midi.

    And, to USE the custom layer you must push both layer select buttons simultaneously.

    Profile photo of FrettsFretts

    Thank you for thinking of that.
    But that was one of the first things I did from the beginning. They are all set up that way and I still have the problem.
    Plus new day, new problem – now I have no transport control. Neither the transport on the LCD screen nor the softkeys I set up for Play and Stop do anything.
    Not only do I have problems, but they seem to be a moving target, scooting all over the place like trying to catch your cat when it’s time to go to the vet.

    Profile photo of dpdandpdan

    I’m not sure what to suggest.

    Profile photo of FrettsFretts

    Do I understand correctly that when Custom Layer is active and I’m set for all MIDI control, the Logic faders should move in sync with the QU faders when I move them?

    I’m getting strange behavior when I switch to the custom layer. When I bank up and bank down, I see the faders moving from the zero position where I left them to new positions, but just four or five of them. When I try to move them, they “fight me” at one-second intervals. In addition, there is no observable effect on the Logic screen. The peculiar mismapping of QU faders to Logic pan controls has abated. It’s just one thing after another. Is this thing haunted?
    I wonder if the actual MIDI subsystem is having trouble.
    I will try a different MIDI cable for a start.

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