Bug when linking channel?

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  • #42901
    Profile photo of BLKGHOSTBLKGHOST

    I’ll have to test it home but when I was mixing tonight, after linking 2 channels (2 keyboards in mono) the keyboard were panned hard even if I didn’t pan them; keyboard in 17 was playing left only and 18 on the right. I checked twice to make sure that I wasn’t panning them. Is this the way it`s supposed to be? Removing the link placed them back on center.

    Profile photo of eotsskleeteotsskleet

    While linking you can choose if you want the PAN linked as well! I think if you Link it then it’s hard paned!?

    Profile photo of BLKGHOSTBLKGHOST

    I even tried removing that option. Was still the same. I thought that I was supposed to the the panning myself if I wanted them panned when you pan one, it would the other automatically but from what I experienced, the pan knob is useless since the odd channel is always left and the even always right no matter what. Not what I was expecting. I’ll check it again in the morning maybe I missed something.

    Profile photo of BLKGHOSTBLKGHOST

    Tested this again this morning. fOH, everything is the way I was expecting it to be (centered unless you decide to pan) but in your headphones when you press PAFL, odd channel is left and even is right no matter what. I can live with that but I don’t think it’s supposed to be that way. Can anyone from A&H confirm this?

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